Monday, November 28, 2005


It's been snowing for most of the day! It settled to start with, and then turned to mush. :( I tried to take a photo of the snow falling in big fat flakes and looking really pretty, but the snow didn't show up in the photos... damn mobile that's unable to spot such detail. (On a similar subject, the other day it was really foggy so I tried to take a photo, but the fog didn't show up either. Something about weather not showing up in photos. ;))

In other news, I got back my first English essay of the year today (which counts towards passing the unit and year) and I got a strong 2;1, which I'm happy with. :)

Rock Trial went well and was good fun. :) The last night after-after-show party was good too, with cheesy music crazy fun... the only problem was the small amount of sleep that morning, especially with wind orchestra recording on Sunday afternoon, followed by the JSoc ball last night, which was also really fun.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Yay! Power!

My new laptop power pack arrived this morning! :D Naomi is muchly happy. And tired from writing her medieval essay (which she did using her flatmate's laptop mainly... thank you Natalie :)). If you didn't know it was missing, that's possibly because I couldn't blog when I had no power. Plus the internet here has been down since last night and has been restored in the last hour or so... so yayness all round. :) Happy and tired Naomi. :) *yawns*

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Lower frequency in posts...

...due to malfunctioning of my laptop power pack, and so limited battery. Procrastination is therefore not through a computer (and so lessened... which is good for my work, at least) and time on internet is also limited. I'm currently on Adam's computer typing up my mammoth medieval essay on The Dream of the Rood about symbolism of the cross and why it's important to the Christian... funfunfun.

*must not procrastinate*

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Essay finished and handed in! :D Only two more to go before the winter break!

One test down, one to go!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Sunday, November 06, 2005


I've realised I haven't blogged for a couple of weeks, but well, the title kind of gives away the reason.. that and procrastination and not too much exciting stuff happening. Ah well.