Monday, June 28, 2004

The Joys of Work Shadowing.

Oh how wonderful work shadowing is. *joy* I think I must have spent an hour (if not two or three) searching various sites on the internet for "interesting" articles about fruit and vegetables, no less. Well, the trade of fruit and vegetables. (Even more interesting. *joy*) I think I managed to search about 80 different fruit companies, as well as the obvious term "fruit". *shakes head* Ah well, at least it's an eMac. :)

On my way home (well, actually to my committee meeting) I managed to be on a tube that was stuck (still) in a tunnel for about half an hour due to an assault at a station further down the line, which gave me the worst headache that I've had for a long time, and I drank plenty of water today, too. Hm.

Had our first Kenton Jewish Youth Committee meeting this evening. (I don't like "board", to me it is "committee", definitely.) Went quite well, a little over the original plan of an hour, but not ridiculously long like all of last year's. (Thank heavens.) What's more, I didn't have to take minutes. (Woohoo!) Even stranger (and more wonderful) was that a male actually offered to take the minutes (which I really do find difficult to believe). Lovely meeting, and neither Ben nor I had to volunteer for anything due to nobody else in the committee volunteering. We managed to have volunteers for everything. Excellent.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

I'm tired. Already.

Last exam yesterday morning(woo!), except lessons restarted yesterday afternoon (back down to Earth I drop after about three hours of relaxation). :( I had a cancelled lesson this morning, which meant that I only had chemistry today (and it was in the afternoon, so I didn't have to get my act together too early in the morning too many days in a row). However, despite only having had one exam today, I am still tired. What is it about triple chemistry? Actually, don't answer that. What is it about being back only one day and already having work piled on? I mean, it would have been fine had it been introducing the A2 course (which I fully expected, and it did happen) and a little work, but setting homework too, on the second day back? I'm lucky I had my other lesson cancelled, although I have a nasty feeling that I am supposed to be doing a presentation to my class next Tuesday. :S

Thursday, June 17, 2004

I passed!

:D I'm very happy and no longer looking for that Hazard Perception DVD, as I passed my driving theory test this morning. Met Sophie at the test centre too: she had just finished when I was waiting to start. *waves to Sophie just in case she ever reads this*

If anybody would like the DSA Driving Theory Questions Book (published June 2003, I think, that might not be the exact right title, but you know what I mean), or a two CD driving theory test set, one with some kind of hazard perception on it, just not the official DSA stuff (I can't remember the title of it: my CDs are copies, but it's something like 'Test Success' or something), then speak to me.

I now have no excuse for not doing maths revision (only one exam to go!)... except possibly watching the England match this afternoon. (Not like we'll ever win Euro 2004, but it would be nice to get somewhere in the tournament.)

Right, off to do some work...

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

14 CDs for a fiver

Not even that. A fourteen CD set of Wagner's Nibelungen Ring Cycle for £4.99. No-one ever believes me when I say that Superdrug is the best value for CDs, but it really is. You have to be incredibly lucky with what they have at any one time, but when they have what you want, it is definitely worth it. I bought a complete set of Bach's Brandenburg Concertos and Orchestral Suites there for £1.99 a while ago. When we studied the fourth Brandenburg Concerto at school and I mentioned my bargain, everyone laughed and said "Superdrug?!" and wouldn't believe me.

Also, the complete libretto is included with the 14 CDs. Admittedly there is no translation, and I'm no German boff, but at least I can follow... and I have a vague understanding of German... I just won't necessarily understand if something is about to happen, or already has. :S

Today I bought more colourful beads, with which to make more colourful bracelets, although I was rather disappointed to discover that there was an incredibly low number of yellow beads, as they are my favourite. However, they are a different kind of colour to my other beads, which are rather more fluorescent in colour and bright... until they lose their shine somewhat (how I have no idea).

Monday, June 14, 2004


"Phrstomnicalism" (apart from being the title of my blog) is a word I made up when I was fifteen (I believe for an English homework- we'd been looking at entries from 'The Deeper Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd), and "phrstomnicalism" itself is a phrstomnicalism. Phrstomnicalisms (I think I'm going to copy the word now, so that I just have to paste it each time- it is much too long to bother typing out each time) are those frustratingly annoyingly overly long words, which are impossible to pronounce due to the over-abundance of consonants in them.

It is one of my favourite made up words, and the only major one that has actually stuck with me, and that I actually use. (And then usually receive the response of "a what?!?")


:D The beautiful sunshine has shown its face again today... although when I stepped outside this morning I did feel like I was burning, despite only crossing the road to reach the car for my driving lesson. :S (On the subject of driving, I am still hunting down anyone with the official DSA hazard perception DVD: if you have one or know someone with a copy, let me know ASAP- I return things quickly too.)