Friday, October 29, 2004

Painting late at night

I painted this late last night, in celebration of finishing the first draft of my coursework, and just for some relaxation too. As with all my paintings, I'm not sure which way round it looks best. If you rotate it 90 degrees clockwise, that's the way round I painted it, but then, it doesn't always look best that way.

This is another photo of the same. I used acrylic paint.

'Hecuba' was good yesterday. :D I was rather shocked that one of the bodies in a body bag was an actual child as opposed to a manikin, and it was rather gruesome, but then that's Greek tragedy for you, I guess. Unfortunately when we got there they only had standing tickets left, so we stood for an hour and twenty minutes watching the play, which wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. And it was an excellent excuse to go and sit and have coffee for a long time afterwards. (I am beginning to worry that I'm addicted to coffee. I needed a drink the other evening and had some of my parents' decaffeinated coffee, and it just didn't do the trick. I had to have another drink afterwards. :S) And I finished the first draft of my coursework. :D

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Procrastinating.... again

To the extent that I am actually writing this at 11.34pm, not 11.04 when I supposedly started writing this. Now that's procrastinating procrastination, which I think is pretty impressive.

Darn English coursework. It isn't that I don't like the text, but I don't like the essay. It just isn't nice. I mean, I reckon it is the better of two evils and I actually couldn't think up my own question or subject to write about, or else I would have, but still.... mrrgrhhrahhggh. (And no, I don't know what that sounds like, apart from like mrrgrhhrahhggh.) I've written almost 1600 words and I know there's more to write, but it feels so bitty and mrrgrhhrahhggh. I like that word. Mrrgrhhrahhggh. Mrrgrhhrahhggh. Mrrgrhhrahhggh. That felt good. And I want to paint some silk, except I don't have any plain silk in the house and I can't be bothered to go all the way to Greenford just to buy some silk. And I have lots of work still to do. A poem critique, maths and oodles upon oodles of further maths (an entire chapter of exercises on something I vaguely understand and then I have to teach myself another chapter, which is supposedly "easy". Yeah right. If it's easy, then I'm a Dutchman).

Not to mention the coursework. (Wha..? Did I mention something there?)

Theatre tomorrow. :D
(I like this font.)

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

A photo

Sara (my sister) and I at Nanny's 70th birthday party. (Nanny is my grandma. She turned 70 on the 20th September this year. Belated online birthday wishes.)

Going to see 'Hecuba'... anyone want to join us?

Kajal and I are planning to go to see 'Hecuba' at the Donmar Warehouse on Thursday ; we're planning on the matinée at the moment (it starts at 2.30pm). If anyone would like to join us, please let one of us know by Wednesday night. We'll let you know where we're meeting if we're meeting before or anything like that, but it should be good and has had some good reviews. For the Donmar's website, click here.

Oooh, I'm also planning on going to see 'The Tempest' at the Bloomsbury Theatre next week if anyone wants to come to that with me. I think the Saturday night is the only night with tickets left at the moment that I can make (it's only running for three nights, Thursday has sold out online I think and I can't do Friday night), and it starts at 7.30pm. Less is likely to come of going to see 'The Tempest' than 'Hecuba', as Kajal and I are definitely going to see that on Thursday. Let me know if you want to come to any. :)

Sunday, October 24, 2004

New shoes!

I went shopping and I bought...

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Smiley all over :D

I received my first offer today. :D:D:D Well, a letter informing me that I will be receiving through UCAS the offer of a place to study English at Leeds and inviting me to an open afternoon. :) So I'm incredibly happy and smiley, even though Leeds isn't my first preference, just because I've heard from somewhere and I've received my first offer. :) Despite not knowing what the conditions of the offer are, and silly UCAS don't know about it or haven't updated their site yet. *sends vibes to either Leeds to inform UCAS or UCAS to update their site*

Monday, October 18, 2004


The poetry I ordered on Amazon arrived on Friday. Teethy And that's two weeks early, which makes me much much happier and grinning all the time. Sunshine Except it arrived on Friday morning (and my mum was lovely and texted me to let me know the good news) and then I didn't actually go home until Saturday night, which was rather upsetting as I wanted to read my new stuff! (Roger McGough's 'Collected Poems', by the way. As wonderful as expected.)

Yes, shiny new books. :) (I bought 'Titus Andronicus' too, but that is less exciting in comparison to the poetry. But it is also very good.)

Schoolwork. Lots of.

Don't you love how you have no work for ages, and then all of a sudden nearly every lesson is a test of some sort and you are set hours upon hours of work each night? And this always happen to coincide with consultation evening? Well, at least, I do. Chemistry, maths, further maths and English. Lots of work from each. With an essay set last week just 3 days after our coursework was set, and the essay (or at least my essay) approached 3000 words in length. Plus all the other stuff. And I'm convinced it's due to the fact that it's consultation evening tomorrow. Funnnnn. Humph.

Monday, October 11, 2004


Ugg. Damn doing too much in so little time it makes you ill.
I hate colds.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

It always rains in London on Succot

Whatever one says about English weather (or whatever I say), however supposedly unpredictable it is (for example having blazing heat forecast and then it snowing- and that did happen), it always always always always rains on Succot. Always. And nearly always on the Succah crawl. (Although I am amazed that Jon managed to play 'captain's coming' in my garden, on the grass, in the rain, with little kids slipping over. But he did, and well done to him.Happy)

Unfortunately, the roof of the rabbi's succah collapsed or fell in or broke on the second day of Succot, which managed to *slightly* change our plans, since we had an oneg (a programme thing) planned for the youth there (which was relocated to the Coopers') as well as all the groups going there on the Succah crawl (we sorted something out. More groups went to each of the succot we were already using). (Think pub crawl, similar but going round succot (the strange leaf-roof hut/tent things we build this time of year) and instead of getting drunk (we wouldn't provide alcohol to minors now, would we?) eating sweets, playing a game or few and possibly trying to teach them something. Succot <- a Succah, except it's meant to have walls too. And there's a cute model one here.

But mrrrh, there's going to be lots of work to catch up. And I keep forgetting what I want to say. Hmph.