I painted this late last night, in celebration of finishing the first draft of my coursework, and just for some relaxation too. As with all my paintings, I'm not sure which way round it looks best. If you rotate it 90 degrees clockwise, that's the way round I painted it, but then, it doesn't always look best that way.

This is another photo of the same. I used acrylic paint.
'Hecuba' was good yesterday. :D I was rather shocked that one of the bodies in a body bag was an actual child as opposed to a manikin, and it was rather gruesome, but then that's Greek tragedy for you, I guess. Unfortunately when we got there they only had standing tickets left, so we stood for an hour and twenty minutes watching the play, which wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. And it was an excellent excuse to go and sit and have coffee for a long time afterwards. (I am beginning to worry that I'm addicted to coffee. I needed a drink the other evening and had some of my parents' decaffeinated coffee, and it just didn't do the trick. I had to have another drink afterwards. :S) And I finished the first draft of my coursework. :D
That's sooo pretty! How come You never show anybody anything? GRRR.
I have something for you!
I don't show people because I paint in a sketchbook and I'm not about to bring a heavy sketch book into school for no reason, am I? Anyway, when I have shown people my stuff in the past they have made all strange and derisive comments... just 'cause my stuff is abstract! :P
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