Sunday, August 28, 2005

Finished the sarong late last night, and off to the airport for Spain for a week at around 11 o'clock this morning. Won't blog for about a week, so see you all in a week's time!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Work in progress

Well, I've hemmed one side of the sarong (the extra pair of hands was busy when I wanted to pin other bits though) and I have done some red painting. The paint isn't as transparent as I thought it would be, but that doesn't matter as the bikini I plan to wear the sarong with is red, so showing red doesn't matter. I don't quite know how long the paint takes to dry though.. anyone?

More accommodation forms and info arrived in the post today, asking for three passport photos, money and signatures. Hopefully all should be fine. The first of many sets of passport sized photos to be taken very soon...

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Squeeeee I bought material and fabric paints to make a sarong with! Yay yay yay! :D The fabric is golden yellow (sooooo wonderful and lovely) and I bought transparent red and blue paints. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. :D

I bought lots of other things too, but those, to me, are the most exciting. :D

Monday, August 22, 2005

Shopping, shopping and I wonder what else?

So, shopping two days in a row, and I'm planning on a proper full-day shopping spree in Watford tomorrow.

Yesterday I bought a thin summer top from per una in M&S in the sale and two tops from Dorothy Perkins for £3!! That's three pounds for both tops altogether, not each! That shopping was in Brent Cross. I was also really surprised because I went at around 1pm and I managed to find a drive-through space in the Fenwick car park almost immediately, and normally it takes forever just to find a normal space..

Today saw me at my grandparents' in the morning, sorting out their computer troubles and helping them to send photos of Joshua around the world, or at least Europe. They fed me lunch too. And the photos were very cute.

This afternoon I went to Harrow in the pouring rain, so didn't do the full circuit as I was soaked enough from what I did do. Bought some boots for £13.49 in Shoe Zone (just normal walking type camel coloured boots, I needed new ones as previous ones broke), some cropped trousers in H&M which I may not keep and a cheap thin hoodie in Primark (woo for reductions in Primark.. they practically pay you to take the stuff away!).

Off to help with double baby bath-time!!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

And the grades..

I managed AAB in my A2s (maths, chemistry and English in that order) and AA at two more ASs (music and further maths). Woo!

I've got into Manchester!

Squeeeeeeeeee! :D Don't know my results yet but UCAStrack and the UCAS letter of confirmation I received in the post this morning tell me that I've got in. Wooooo. :D

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


I missed the free vue tickets on the connexions site today. :( At least I still have one that's valid, I suppose.

Last day of work tomorrow! And then.. results on Thursday! Argh!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Fasting always makes me cold

Even if it's warm outside. Which it isn't today, by the looks of it (all rainy and bleugh it would appear). Anyway, today is the ninth of Av, the day on which both temples were destroyed (obviously in different years). So we fast for twenty-five hours, no food no drink. The one good thing this year is it ends a little earlier as we had an extra month due to it being a Jewish leap year, and so all the festivals etc are late when compared against the Gregorian calendar. The fast is still 25 hours, but you sleep the evening off (it started at 8.27pm yesterday) and then it's the main day bit that's normally a little harder. Anyway, goes out slightly earlier this year and it's not blisteringly hot either, which is always a bonus.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Sportspersons always recover quickly

Like the Australian cricket team. I don't even follow the game that closely, but I know that a couple of weeks ago, if that, McGrath injured his ankle and it was said it would take a minimum of 6 weeks to recover. And guess what? He's out playing today. How strange.. Why can't we be superhuman and recover that quickly, eh? Life's certainly not fair.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Woo, I've just realised my long rambly posting is back. :) Heehee.
Realising I hadn't blogged for a while, I figured I possibly should. Not necessarily a catch-up: Simon's been away (back Sunday!) and I haven't done too much interesting stuff in the last week. Cried, laughed, chatted, joked, worked... the usual run-of-the-mill stuff.

I've realised I tend to be fully conscious about 40 minutes after my alarm starts in the morning (I use the radio, but I think I'm going to change station soon. Any suggestions- London or national UK stations and I don't have DAB in my bedroom- are all very welcome.) I think this is odd and also quite worrying: it clearly shows I sleep deeply, especially since I've slept through alarms in the past. This is, in essence, a good thing, however it makes me worry that I might miss something one day. I wonder if it would be resolved if I went to sleep earlier. Hm. ^_^

On a completely separate train of thought (chugga-chugga chugga-chugga choo-choo!) I was rather disappointed on Sunday as I went shopping with the intention of buying summer clothes and things for holiday, and in reality came home with new hair bobbles (all bright colours!) and 'Brighton Rock' by Graham Greene, which was in the clearance in WHSmith. (Woo for book sales!) Why are all summer dresses designed for B-cups or less? And why can't any have sleeves? And, on top of that, do long sarongs no longer exist? I think (if I can be bothered) I can sort the sarong issue by buying fabric and dye and making my own, but I'm not a dressmaker! Going away on the 28th.. hopefully I'll find something by then.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Spray more, get more

Or not.

Yes, lynx does smell nice (along with many other men's deodorants and after-shave and smelly things) but that doesn't mean that the more you spray, the better it gets. To me, it seems like it would be more like a bell curve.

Obviously some is required to overcome bad smelling body odour, and possibly to even make one smell a bit better (say, up to the peak of the curve), but you can have too much. As with most things, what goes up must come down, except this time it isn't any of Newton's laws, or, in fact, anything to do to do with gravity at all.

As soon as the amount sprayed hits a point where anyone more than about two seats (preferably less) away can smell what you have on, well that's bad. I don't know how many people have experienced the door-to-door salesman who thinks that putting a whole bottle of aftershave on before each door will win him customers. Lose them, more like. Or been at a party, or social gathering of some sort where all of a sudden an almost noxious smell suffocates the room (and this is NOT from the food) and you look around and find (aside from all those dying from being starved of oxygen) that there are a couple of extra people in the room. (Before any boys go up in arms about this, I know the overuse of women's perfume can also be suffocating, but at least it isn't advertised with "spray more, get more".)

I'm not against boys using deodorant, or anything, oh no. And used to a reasonable degree it does smell nice. However as well as the above argument, included in this should be the way in which some boys think "oh, I don't have to shower, I'll just spray oodles more deodorant on instead and all will be fine." Well, funnily enough, all will NOT be fine. Yes, I realise that the not-showering thing is probably more of a phase than a permanent fixture, and I suppose we should think ourselves lucky that people do realise that if they don't shower then they start to smell bad, but that doesn't mean they should just hide the smell, but rather that they should wash!

And yes, I do realise that the adverts are exaggerated to the absurdly ludicrous, but the slogan is the slogan is the slogan, and it still seems wrong.

The slogan is at the end of this. (You have to select your bandwidth first, and then wait for it to load.) It was after seeing the same advert (which has been banned on some channels I think) 3 times within about 20 minutes that provoked me to write this. Teaches me to watch TV, eh?