Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The trick to finding long t-shirts:

Buy men's t-shirts! Still tight-fitting or however you please and they actually cover the midriff! (I found a jumper too... the joy of shopping in the sales.)

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

I've realised that recently my posts have deteriorated. Or, at least, I think they have. Not necessarily the frequency of posts, as that was never a regular thing and I think I probably still have the same spurts of blogging that last for a week or a month, or however long they last (I don't particularly like statistics and have never analysed my blogging frequency, but rather have merely commented on long absences or the like). Rather, I think the quality of my posts has reduced somewhat: both content and style. I'm not completely convinced for a few reasons: (i) I was thinking about this immediately before I dropped off to sleep at some strange hour this morning and so I was not necessarily in the best frame of mind to consider such things; (ii) I used to ramble in my posts to a ridiculous length (I was going to say for a ridiculous amount of time, and then realised that it is space, not time on a webpage); and (iii) surely my writing must have improved after over a year of blogging? Perhaps I've relaxed more into the habit and style...

Anyway, those were my thoughts for a few moments at some point over this festive season.
Felicitations to you all, whatever you celebrate, even if you aren't doing so at the moment.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Came home on Sunday... they locked the front door to our flat before I had taken all my stuff out! So I went and hunted out the key to retrieve the last few bits 'n' pieces. :) Other shenanigans also happened including people locking their car keys inside their car and then driving off with other people's car keys... not wise things to do.

My birthday tomorrow!

Hmm... what else is there to say?

Thursday, December 15, 2005

So. Simon was here Monday to Wednesday eeeeeeeeeeeeee :D Was lovely to be with him again after six long weeks (why do we commit to so much stuff and make ourselves too busy to see each other for an age? Why?)... we didn't do overly interesting stuff, apart from seeing Narnia, which neither of us were very impressed with. I personally didn't find it magical and sparkly enough (it's a children's fantasy story and just wasn't... that fantastic. We also went to the market and I (somewhat amazingly... I still don't quite believe it) managed to look through the entire book sale and not buy anything. First time, I believe. Normally to stop myself spending I have to avoid looking in the first place. (I have some self restraint!)

Annoyingly on Monday, our seminar tutor hadn't yet marked our essays (mine was on Endgame: it was either that or some rap/hip hop/popular culture lyrics by Naz... I preferred the Beckett somewhat) and so we now have to go tomorrow afternoon to collect them... grargh.

Tuesday brought some good calculus test results from our mid-semester test (worth 20% of the unit), which made my day a bit brighter, although it was already rather bright what with Simon being here.

And tomorrow? Well, I'm going to my flatmate's cousin's for Shabbat, since absolutely no-one is in Hillel for Shabbat (most have gone home: term ends tomorrow) and it's a bit of a scary place to be in on your own, since it was broken into last week. (I forgot to blog that, didn't I? We had a brick through a window for an attempted burglary the night after someone had tried to climb through the same person's window which had been open.) It's pretty empty here already, but as I've already mentioned I've an essay to collect tomorrow afternoon, never mind the lecture in the morning.

Home on Sunday!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Exams grargh

So I have three exams in January, which I knew already. And there are two weeks in the examination period. Fine. All my exams are in the first week. Fine. Good, even, since I then get a full week off afterwards. But two exams on the same day? Grargh. Four and a half hours of writing... and I'll be tired by the afternoon exam (which is an English one where I have to write properly and coherently) from the morning one (a maths exam). Although at least the maths one won't tire me out as much as the English one would have, had that been first. Meh. Mrrrraaarrgghh.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Ah, democracy.

MJS (Manchester Jewish Students) committee elections this evening, running an hour over expected time, which I expected given JMT (Jewish Mean Time). Somehow it takes 3 hours to elect 9 positions.. or something absurd like that.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Event of yesterday morning: falling down tiled stairs.
Result: bruising (and hopefully nothing more serious).

Damn water fights the night before. Although the stairs had dried by the time I went down them, I reckon the water had made them more slippery due to all the dirt and grime having been washed off in the course of the fight. Hm.

Eventful Shabbat, shall we say.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Woo! No more essays due until after the winter break. :D