Tuesday, December 27, 2005

I've realised that recently my posts have deteriorated. Or, at least, I think they have. Not necessarily the frequency of posts, as that was never a regular thing and I think I probably still have the same spurts of blogging that last for a week or a month, or however long they last (I don't particularly like statistics and have never analysed my blogging frequency, but rather have merely commented on long absences or the like). Rather, I think the quality of my posts has reduced somewhat: both content and style. I'm not completely convinced for a few reasons: (i) I was thinking about this immediately before I dropped off to sleep at some strange hour this morning and so I was not necessarily in the best frame of mind to consider such things; (ii) I used to ramble in my posts to a ridiculous length (I was going to say for a ridiculous amount of time, and then realised that it is space, not time on a webpage); and (iii) surely my writing must have improved after over a year of blogging? Perhaps I've relaxed more into the habit and style...

Anyway, those were my thoughts for a few moments at some point over this festive season.
Felicitations to you all, whatever you celebrate, even if you aren't doing so at the moment.

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