Monday, August 07, 2006


You may have noticed something a bit different here. After a virtual poke or two (or rather someone telling me to change it), I went and changed the template and I may now twiddle some more- it all depends on quite how busy work is, and also the rest of the summer. Comments are appreciated- let me know what you think about the new look.

As I've just said... I have a summer job! Started today (I'm actually posting this from work, as it's rather quiet), two weeks of general admin covering someone who's on holiday I think. Long hours, but at least I get paid for them.

Aside from that, I've been relatively quiet on the blogging side... mainly because there haven't been many big things to blog about. Usual kinda summer break stuff: shopping, seeing friends, etc. Been to a few of the proms with Simon, which have been really nice. :)

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