Tuesday, May 08, 2007


...can't I be political and yet not affiliate myself to any political party? *shakes head*

On a related note, why doesn't Student Direct print the name at the end of a letter? (Yes, I know who it was from, but the average student probably doesn't.) And related to that (although not really related to the first point), how ironic is it that it's the third issue running printing the same crossword twice within the same issue (as in they have printed the same crossword six times in three issues now), especially given my 'I think...'?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

... because the world isn't meant to make sense. Silly you!
The crossword matter is particularly stupid. I really wonder if they actually think anyone does the crossowrd if they are so careless. Personally, I have noticed random crosswords I do can be really lazy in a different manner. They tend to repeat a lot of the words they use week after week or month after month, thus giving me an endless feeling of deja vu (deja lu, perhaps?) because I keep feeling like I've done the crossword before!

Political parties are a drag. Yes, it would be nice to be political withot having to assign yourself a tag that would place you in the position of being stuck to any random party, who probably change their policies on things you care about anyway. Grr.

Anyhow, I thought I'd check your blog. And I'm not anonymous, I'm Christina.