Wednesday, September 08, 2004


We've been back at school now for... *goes to find diary so can count the days*... 5 days, with 2 being pointless time-wasters, one of which I could have spent much more productively making chicken soup and banana crumble (don't ask. Just never put cinnamon in, it ruins it) for 50 peopleand 3 days were lesson filled.

In true HBS style, they've been decorating and refurbishing through the holidays and have managed to not finish by the time everybody returns for the new term. Oh, I do love my school. Having said that, the drama department is now the bright zingy yellow that I wanted for my bedroom and was never allowed, and now having seen it on walls, it only confirms in my mind that that was the colour I wanted in my room. I would be able to jump out of bed in the morning with the strength of a lion (Shulchan Aruch) and would not be able to remain depressed for long. Also, yellow has that positive energy thing. You know, the thing which is shown through the fact that football teams that have a yellow strip often do well. (Not all though, I think. I'm not much of a football expert, I just remember reading the yellow thing somewhere and that being used as an example. I think Brazil are an example of this.) The common room (sorry, the blue room in the loft) is a lovely blue colour, a bit nicer than the one in the room I'm sitting in now. (The 'study' or Daniel's old room, as it is otherwise known.) Further examples of typical HBS-isms are the way in which some rooms now have interactive whiteboards. Which would be great, were there the electric sockets for them to be plugged in and a working computer system would help too. All forms of electronic registration are apparently down, and so we have had to resort to signing in to little blue books.

Work-wise Naomi is feeling alright at the moment. I actually did the English summer work over the summer, and so don't have to rush to finish it in time now (I finished all of my thingies, as opposed to just the first one, which is what we had to have finished) and so far we haven't been set any more, which is rather nice. (Although of course reading is going on... just no set written work or anything.) Maths hasn't been too bad: we've been given work to do, but not too much, which is always kind on the body. Further maths felt really intense: we had just three of us in the class- almost like a private school! Chemistry has become rather scary with quite a bit of work (or in comparison to my other subjects, anyway ;)), with a big table of ions to learn (although I know lots of them already :)) and a whole chapter worth of questions (which is quite a bit, as you have to bother to read the chapter to be able to do the questions).

Anyway, to bed with me. I'm leaving my personal statement for the day.

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