Monday, June 28, 2004

The Joys of Work Shadowing.

Oh how wonderful work shadowing is. *joy* I think I must have spent an hour (if not two or three) searching various sites on the internet for "interesting" articles about fruit and vegetables, no less. Well, the trade of fruit and vegetables. (Even more interesting. *joy*) I think I managed to search about 80 different fruit companies, as well as the obvious term "fruit". *shakes head* Ah well, at least it's an eMac. :)

On my way home (well, actually to my committee meeting) I managed to be on a tube that was stuck (still) in a tunnel for about half an hour due to an assault at a station further down the line, which gave me the worst headache that I've had for a long time, and I drank plenty of water today, too. Hm.

Had our first Kenton Jewish Youth Committee meeting this evening. (I don't like "board", to me it is "committee", definitely.) Went quite well, a little over the original plan of an hour, but not ridiculously long like all of last year's. (Thank heavens.) What's more, I didn't have to take minutes. (Woohoo!) Even stranger (and more wonderful) was that a male actually offered to take the minutes (which I really do find difficult to believe). Lovely meeting, and neither Ben nor I had to volunteer for anything due to nobody else in the committee volunteering. We managed to have volunteers for everything. Excellent.

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