Tuesday, June 15, 2004

14 CDs for a fiver

Not even that. A fourteen CD set of Wagner's Nibelungen Ring Cycle for £4.99. No-one ever believes me when I say that Superdrug is the best value for CDs, but it really is. You have to be incredibly lucky with what they have at any one time, but when they have what you want, it is definitely worth it. I bought a complete set of Bach's Brandenburg Concertos and Orchestral Suites there for £1.99 a while ago. When we studied the fourth Brandenburg Concerto at school and I mentioned my bargain, everyone laughed and said "Superdrug?!" and wouldn't believe me.

Also, the complete libretto is included with the 14 CDs. Admittedly there is no translation, and I'm no German boff, but at least I can follow... and I have a vague understanding of German... I just won't necessarily understand if something is about to happen, or already has. :S

Today I bought more colourful beads, with which to make more colourful bracelets, although I was rather disappointed to discover that there was an incredibly low number of yellow beads, as they are my favourite. However, they are a different kind of colour to my other beads, which are rather more fluorescent in colour and bright... until they lose their shine somewhat (how I have no idea).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
