Wednesday, July 14, 2004


Strangely, having now done two performances of 'Oliver!' (I don't like that exclamation mark, but I do believe it is supposed to be there), the catchy tunes have somewhat disappeared from my mind. This could alternatively be due to my tiredness, which translates to my mind not being able to have a catchy tune playing at the same time as me blogging. Hm.

I think tonight's performance was better overall than last night's: the cast were much better, generally more in tune, and managed to overcome missing Bett, who was unfortunately ill. However, the band weren't quite so good this evening: we missed some cues (I started playing a cued part halfway through, as I realised that *very* few others had picked up that we were repeating, or even playing. Or something like that. My memory is beginning to fail me), someone managed to drop a tambourine during a quiet bit on stage and we were just generally clumsier tonight than yesternight. The audience were better tonight. Not sure if it was fuller, but they laughed more (and still at the right bits) and clapped lots and lots (in fact so much we repeated part of a number at the end).

Two things made me happy today:
(i) I found out that I most probably have Friday afternoons free next year (which are the most useful things in the world, since I would otherwise have to miss lessons to get home in time for Shabbat each week in the winter months) and
(ii) My very last lesson of the academic year is English next Wednesday, when we are having a poetry party (I still don't know which poem to take!). Originally I thought my last lesson would be chemistry in room 11, which is delightful and sentimental and really lovely, but the thought of English being my last lesson does make me happier. I guess that's good, seeing as I want to read English at university, and not chemistry.

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