Thursday, August 19, 2004

Aleph Machane 5764: the camp song

(to 'I will Survive')

At first when we arrived, we were petrified
Machane with crazy madrichim by our side
But on our first night we just wouldn't go to bed
So we stayed up 'til the morning drinking Irn Bru instead!

And now we're here, singing together,
Knowing memories of camp will live forever
With 'Sk8r Boi' at breakfast, and 'Baruch Hagever',
Not forgetting 'Funky Chicken', 'Boomchikaboom' and 'Yibaneh'!

Chorus (x2):
STAND UP! Aleph machane
With hornets, plates and ruach flying high up in the air
Kvutsot, funs, shiurim
Tochniot and cool chugim
Machane 5764
Two weeks of fun here in Brymore
(in Brymore...)

The theme of machane is Luach Hashana
We took a journey through the year and stopped at Tropiquaria
Tiyul, the muddy walk, lots of time to chill and talk,
At the theme park we got sick, 'cause the rides just went too quick!

We named our kvutsot after superheroes,
We've got Superman, Spiderman, Buzz Lightyear, Dangermouse
Bananaman, Daredevil, Popeye and Superted
Then there's Ninja, He-man, Batman,
By great madrichim we're led!

Chorus (x2):
STAND UP! Aleph machane
With hornets, plates and ruach flying high up in the air
Kvutsot, funs, shiurim
Tochniot and cool chugim
Machane 5764
Two weeks of fun here in Brymore
(in Brymore...)

Jonny is our rosh, we must look up to him
Michelle our cool sganit and her great madrichim
Danny is T.O., he helps the machane go far
Sacker drives around getting kishut in his blue car

Nothing could work without our technikim
Sitting, hoping finally we can be toranim
The food has been amazing and we love our kitchen crew
The bread is always frozen and there's ladles missing too!

Chorus (x2):
STAND UP! Aleph machane
With hornets, plates and ruach flying high up in the air
Kvutsot, funs, shiurim
Tochniot and cool chugim
Machane 5764
Two weeks of fun here in Brymore
(in Brymore...)

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