Monday, November 29, 2004

I don't like telling off my peers, really I don't...

But I just can't help it. I mean, if fellow madrichim (leaders, sorry, I'm talking about at my local youth group here) are just leaving everything to one person to do, and I don't just mean planning, I mean on the Shabbat (Saturday) afternoon as well, and when something is handed over to them, they try and rebound it off onto another, it's just not right. I mean, if we are supposed to be informally educating (and we are; no, it isn't indoctrinating, despite what some people think. If you want to hear my argument why, speak up), then the madrichim should be expected to know what they are about to give over... even if we are doing it in an informal setting and through playing games. They should plan their meetings properly, aimed at the number of chanichim (participants) they think they will have, as well as their respective ages, and know exactly why they play each game, so that they can link it all together at the end. I understand that I've had more hadracha (leadership) experience, having been a madricha both locally last year and at summer machane (camp), and so maybe can find/transform games to link in with a theme; but that doesn't mean they have to wait for me to come up with ideas. And general enthusiasm... it's just lacking. I mean, I try and play the 'energy ball' type game, where you have to be loud and mad and not mind acting like a monkey, and they just stand there like the chanichim, instead of enthusing them. I mean, come on. Gah.

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