Wednesday, January 26, 2005

I hate Microsoft...

... for many things. The current thing that is annoying me is the restrictions they put on anyone using any other web browser when using hotmail in particular. Now, I don't use hotmail apart from to read the odd three emails I receive on that address now (the spam has magically stopped) and Hotmail sent me one telling me about inserting photos into emails, which you can't do on any browser apart from IE. Or so it would seem.


Anonymous said...

You can attach them, right?

You might not be able to include them inline with anything other than IE, but that HTML email sucks anyway.

MS do suck, though.


Naomi said...

Yeah, 'course you can attach them. But they've got that in-line thingy that they keep bugging me with zillions of emails about, and yet I can't use it unless I use IE. Not that I use it for sending emails anyway.