Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Poetry competitions and Levi's ads

I was informed last night about a poetry competition for English (or perhaps British) sixth formers. Free entry and monetary prizes, so I don't see why I shouldn't enter if I can write a suitable poem. Still think gravity is rather a strange theme, but will write (and have written some already; am writing as much as comes through random midnight musings and inspiration and will see what I like best... or what others like best) anyway. It gives me something to do (as if I don't have enough already. ;)).

Haha, this was funny. The bit entitled 'Sell, sell, sell' then 'The prince of Primark'. Apparently Levi's models will be reciting Shakespeare in the latest series of adverts. I liked their re-writing of 'Hamlet'. It made me laugh lots when I read it. :)

Have the Tories not always been jingoists? (http://www.guardian.co.uk/g2/story/0,3604,1397647,00.html)

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