Friday, June 24, 2005

Chemistry units 4 and 6

I think overall it went well. Possibly didn't think properly for a few questions in unit 6, but I think it was okay. I worked out that the gas given off was SO2 and not S2 or N or something weird like some people thought.. but I mainly worked it out from the reactants.. I suppose that's the point in the fact that it is unifying concepts.

Organic (unit 4) was alright- I was glad that they didn't ask for too many reagents and conditions, as they often get confused. Although I'm not sure I knew completely correctly how to use Tollens' reagent, but it was a decent guess. I tried to recall our lesson in the lab where we did about 5 tests at once and so they all get jumbled in my mind. But only one produced a silver mirror. Anyway, it should be okay. Or at least I hope it will. Now I need to learn lots for Tuesday, which is by far the hardest chemistry paper, if only for all the stuff that requires proper learning.

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