Thursday, December 09, 2004


I have only just realised that I think I have been subconsciously avoiding rewriting (or *correcting and improving*) my English coursework. Hmmm. Maybe I should get a little further than I have done. But it's oh so much more preferable to do my other English work and read poetry and do lots of shiny differential equations and integration and differentiation. Oh so much more preferable. You can see I'm not the biggest fan of my coursework. ;) Deadline for the final draft is last thing Wednesday. I'm hoping to do something to mine by Monday, so that I can go through it with Ms Fink then and perfect it further for Wednesday. Hmmm. And Sunday is definitely not going to happen, since it's the JYO concert in the afternoon, rehearsals in the morning and family are coming around in the evening for a "chanuka tea". Or something like that. Hmmmm. Maybe I should do some tonight. At least sort out my awful (I don't know how I could write some of the stuff I did... I can't have been the most wide awake of people at the time I guess) sentences, tighten it all up and make it more focused; figure out what needs cutting, moving and added. Hmmm. Right, so I better be off to do some of that. Or, at any rate, I'll do some maths otherwise. Work, nonetheless. :)

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