Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Orange Wednesday

Woo, I love Orange Wednesdays. There's a strange sense of satisfaction when you get in to the cinema for £2.90, and it's a good film. Went to see 'The Merchant of Venice'; was very impressed. Prolly the best film adaptation of a Shakespeare play that I've seen in a long time. Normally I hate film adaptations. Theatre is much better (well, obviously when they're plays to start with, as that is the intention, but even with novels: I still find the theatre much more preferable: your imagination still has to work hard. An interesting article on said concept, written by Philip Pullman,,,1358066,00.html, yes, I'm a Grauniad reader.) and normally I can't stand most of what they do to films these days. It just doesn't usually work. But this time. Wow. It did. And Al Pacino didn't sound overly American either. He made an excellent Shylock.

Right. More tomorrow morning when I'm not being whispered at that I shouldn't be on the internet so late at night. (It's now 00.30, and no it doesn't take me 50 minutes to type that. I procrastinate lots. And multitask (I am a woman after all). And no, it's not late for me, but my father thinks it is.)

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