Monday, March 21, 2005

Can anyone help?

I'm running a murder mystery on Saturday night, a kind of belated Purim thing (well, it's motzei Shushan Purim, which will only really mean anything to about half of you I reckon) and I need 5 or 6 people to act as suspects: I think I currently have about 3 people, so I only need a couple more. We may charge you for food (I can promise it's good stuff), and I'll let you know exactly who you are acting as and what's happening. Except no-one will know who the murderer is until the end apart from me (and even I may not know, I haven't quite decided). 8.30 til 10.30 Saturday night, this weekend. Let me know ASAP.

I had my hair cut this afternoon: this time it feels shorter (in the same way that it did last time, when I complained lots, but I don't mind it so much this time) but it doesn't look overly shorter to my eyes, which is strange. It feels short though. And smells yummy. Mmmmmm.

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