Thursday, March 17, 2005

I handed in my chemistry coursework yesterday afternoon (I actually stayed at school in the afternoon to finish it off and hand it in- it had to be handwritten under the supervision of a teacher, don't ask why as I have no idea as thought it ridiculous myself); it was like a weight lifted from my shoulders (although I still have the plan to do over Easter... :S) and now I merely have to worry about the fact that we have not finished a single syllabus yet and we break up tomorrow for Easter. Mrrarrgghh.

New delightful photo of me up on from Rabbi Black's induction (I was doing a reading in the photo) last Sunday.

Jewish driver in London?
We're looking for as many people as possible to help us deliver 300 michloach manot (food packages) for Purim to poor Jews across the capital (mainly north, north-west and north-east I believe). If you can spare an hour at some point between Monday and Friday next week, or any time to deliver as many or as few of these as you want, contact me and I'll let you know where to go and what to do. They can be picked up from the BA bayit from Monday night, along with maps highlighted as to where to go.

Alternatively, if you don't drive, but want to help package up the mishloach manot, this Sunday, from 11 am in the Kinloss Suite, Kinloss Synagogue. Every pair of hands warmly welcomed.

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