Tuesday, May 31, 2005

the joy of study leave

Study leave is surprisingly unexciting, which hopefully will explain the absence of overly regular blogging. This unexciting blogging is made more exciting by Simon and also my baby nephew (who is still unnamed, photos may follow, but email me if you want to see one sooner). Saw 'Garden State' on Sunday night and ate pizza with artichokes (mmmm... artichokes), also saw baby on Sunday morning (he's so gorgeous!). Am getting steadily more and more bored with revision (what a surprise!) and am also in need of the January 2005 P6 OCR paper, which I wasn't given at school and I know is around. If you have it, please please email it to me! Or at least let me know you have it and a website where I could find it... please? This is an everything-in-one-paragraph mushy blog, as I'm clearly not thinking straight. English dinner that was planned for tonight is not happening tonight, as not enough people contacted Ms Fink to find out what was happening.. or something like that. If anyone from my English class is actually bothering to read this, and you still want to go and do something as a class, then email Ms Fink and let her know. Possibly email everyone, so we can all mull it over too, I guess. So, instead, I'm going out for dinner with my mum and sister, which should be nice (anything to get away from revision is rather nice, although I don't like the word "nice"). Ummm... any more unexcitement from study leave? Hmmm.. I'm not sure. I'm sure I will update again soon.


Anonymous said...

I bet you hated Garden State as well.

Naomi said...

Nononono.. I actually watched Garden State ;) and it was good. Before Sunset we talked through and didn't really watch, I take back my insulting comments, and agree that it requires re-watching, possibly with Before Sunrise first.