Thursday, May 05, 2005


Before I start, Simon, that does not count in the tally! It isn't spoken. ;)

(Just in case I consider reapplying if I get really good grades in the summer,) I was checking the Manchester University site to see if they are offering Maths and English to start in 2006... and they're not! *shockshock* (That doesn't count either. Please.) So that would mean either going to do Maths and English and getting money (yay I love how they give you money for studying there if you get good grades and do a rare subject) or reapplying without the possibility of going to Manchester to do the wonderful joint honours course. Gah. Gah. Gah.


Anonymous said...

You were predicted straight As - weren't you? - so reapplying seems a little pointless even if you get them, which seems likely. Unless you try for an easier college, but if you'd wanted that you should have done it in the first place :P

Naomi said...

Yes, or reapplying for a different subject... Plus I had a B at AS for the subject I was applying for. :P

Anonymous said...

But did they -know- that? I was told they wouldn't know. And why would you want to not study english literature? I don't understand you at all!

Anonymous said...

But did they -know- that? I was told they wouldn't know. And why would you want to not study english literature? I don't understand you at all!

Naomi said...

Various people I've spoken to (whose parents are professors and know how to play the Oxbridge system, etc) have said that, despite the fact that for Oxford you don't actually write down what you got for AS, they do actually know.

And I do want to study English, but I'm also considering maths lots too..

Anonymous said...

Haha, top up fees will rape yr bank balance.

Naomi said...

Well, at least I get a choice over it, unlike some. ;P Plus, who said I'll earn over 15k (or however much they raise it to) in the UK? I could move country and escape paying them back...