Sunday, February 20, 2005

Back to school tomorrow

Brrrr, it's cold this evening. I just hope it doesn't snow overnight. Or if it does, that it doesn't settle. I want to drive to school in the morning, and I'm not going to in the snow! Plus, it'll mean my parents will have difficulty flying back into the country. Which can be taken in different ways, I guess, but I wouldn't wish hassle when travelling on them ever.

But snow is fun. Snow angels and snowmen and snow fights and just it being all beautiful under the smooth white blanket. I love the snow too, I guess. Plus it's a reason to wrap up all warm and cosy and sit by a fire with a warm drink and mmmmm...

I'm beginning to feel rather guilty about the amount of work it would appear I've done over the half term... but one week is so not enough time to do all the extra work that's given and relax. And I don't want to die of stress or anything.

Hmm, well, I'm going to find another jumper to put on on top of the one I'm wearing. Hopefully I might warm up a bit.

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