Wednesday, February 02, 2005


Cold worsening with regular coughing and sneezing, not to mention relatively frequent nose-blowing.

Other news: almost blanked someone (again), this time at the tube station this morning. Heard someone saying relatively loudly "now I know what Anthony means about Naomi blanking people" at which point I turned around. Doh. I really should take more notice of the world around me... :S

Chemistry practical assessment today: melting point determination (if that means anything to anyone). I managed to get consistent results, and I think it was only one degree out, although we haven't yet been told what the melting point should have been. Need to write up results, no more than two side of A4 handwritten. I think that is unfair, considering I have large handwriting. Maybe I'll just have to try to write smaller for this. Hm.

On the topic of writing, I should go and write some articles... tum ti tum.

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