Friday, February 04, 2005

*blows nose*

I got through an entire box of tissues during the school day. *sniffs and sneezes once more* Ugh. I hate colds. Someone managed to laugh at the number of tissues I used in each of my lessons too (different person in each lesson, too). Ugh. *blows nose*

Other news: UCL decided that they don't want me to study there next year, which means that Manchester is (almost) definitely my first choice, although I'm still not sure if it was my first choice all along... in some ways it was, I guess (the whole maths/English liking both thing).

We're doing all mathematical theory stuff in chemistry at the moment, with both teachers, which is good, 'cause I can do maths. If measuring the rate of change, is it not common sense to measure the initial rate and then subsequent ones? Surely it is. Our teacher actually spent ten minutes (if not more) explaining that you had to measure the initial rate. *rolls eyes*

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