Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Freedom of house and car and page limits

Parents have landed in the Holy Land... they texted us to let us know. :) Just Sara and I for the next 13 days (I think... odd number to go away for, I know). :) Means I can drive to school (Sara walks to work and would have to pay to park) and life is just a tad more relaxed at home.

Just spent the last couple of hours writing up my chemistry coursework. And then writing it up again. Stupid limit of a maximum of two sides of A4 handwritten. Some of us have large handwriting! The writing just doesn't look like mine now, that's all. Last time I squished my handwriting to fit a set number of pages for a handwritten task, I remember commenting when handing it in that "it doesn't look like my handwriting", to which I was asked, "did you write it?" and when I replied that yes, I did, I was told "then it's your handwriting, isn't it?".

In the absence of MSN (yes, I have other IM media, but few others use it and so the absence is noted. Also, I do not use MSN, but trillian, so that I can use lots of IM media on the same interface), people have turned to emails, which means my inbox has a lower spam: not spam ratio... always a good thing I guess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy Land? Is that like Disneyworld for Jesus fanatics?