Monday, February 28, 2005


There are now some delightfully awful photos (one could even say pretty ugly- oh I do love that oxymoron) (I'm only referring to photos of me being ugly, I wouldn't insult others in such a way and I did look awful) up from Thursday night, Friday afternoon and motzei Shabbat (Saturday night) on the BAUK website. (BAUK is Bnei Akiva UK, which is my youth group. We had a big thing on Shabbat which rather tired me out if you hadn't already gathered. Photos are now up from said event plus from preparation. Most of the ones of myself are rather awful, as such things always are. My excuse is this: most of the ones taken with me in (if not all) were taken after Shabbat, when I was already tired, but kept going on adrenaline.), go to photos and I'm in some of the ones under 'Kenton Shabbat Ha'irgun'. I personally rather like the photo of Raizl sleeping. I'm impressed that Shmu managed to take a photo of her. Well done Shmu. :D

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